Wednesday, January 5, 2011

it's all in your head

dodgeball day!! always fun and a great shake up the week activity!

and now it's the night before a big interview and i'll make this brief (for once), but days off always present a challenge. my SIL seems to have a 6th sense as to ,when i'm needing a pep talk, and today was a good time for her reminders. i'm NOT starting from the beginning. and while the next two or three weeks will suck, i've done the 8s and the 10s and hell, the 15s and 20s. i know what to do in prep, how to power through, what i love the most about it. i'm serious about it...but that doesn't mean i take it seriously!! the miles are familiar, they are not comfortable but from tonight i can hear them singing to me.

this week i have been living for the end of the days, when the sky has come down and i can go run. it's been a wobbly start, low mileage and whatnot, but even from here, i know that this weekend i can do 8. next week my mileage goals are 5s and 6s and 7s, and then a solid 10 next weekend. it's a mental game, telling yourself that you can do it and then when you are in the desperate questioning miles, actually believing it. because once you get past the terrible first mile (or two), it's all the same. the work is mental, and that is so much harder than the physical! are the Runner and i ready?

well, tonight, i do believe we are.

(see? short!!)

miles for today: none
miles total: whatever they were yesterday
snort count (for you, BofF!): 19
dodgeball "kills": at least 7

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