Saturday, January 8, 2011


Got new kicks today!! Oh man so excited. And they're red and shiny too. I'm finally retiring THESE-->

because after 10 months and about...oh...500 miles, the seams are split and the heels are worn down and the laces are frayed and the insoles are coming apart...they're great shoes though, and I'll be using them for workouts and walks and bouncing around the office. (TOTALLY aware I'm getting all geeked out and sentimental about shoes, but wow have I gone so many miles in that pair. Farther than I ever thought I would.)

Well, today was my long run and last run in said pair of shoes. It was originally supposed to be 8, but seeing as I'd kicked out a solid 7 on Thursday, I decided to stretch a little further and go for 9 or 9 1/2. I'm digging this shorter training runs dealio, it's allowing for some wiggle room in my run distances and that's leading for better workouts. Yesterday was some good hard strength training and I could feel it today in my abs (oh dear sweet lord, people, ab work is going to be the death of me!). I got to the turn around point for 9 and decided to keep on trucking. Not as fast as Thursday, but solid nontheless.

The Runner seemed determined to run across my path as many times as she could, which led to several meetings of my feet and her hind paws, followed by several hurt and pathetic looks. Apparently she's forgotten how this works! We synced it up after a while and when I slowed my pace she took every opportunity to sniff and snuffle and look up at me reproachfully. Oh, how I love the Runner. She's such a little champ!! Of course once we got home, she ate 1 1/2 dinners and crawled up on the couch, where she barked at me to tuck her in under the quilt, where she's been snoozing ever since.

We did 10.3 today! So much fun, I have to admit. It was a real struggle off and on; I handicapped myself out the gate with some less than positive thoughts, but they were familiar and I knew how to fight them off. We hit the edge of the St. John's bridge and I marveled. Today was one of those days that makes me believe in a higher power. Or would, if I wasn't so very much my atheist grandfather's progeny. There was blue mist sitting over the west hills and the spires of St. John's bridge seemed to stretch farther than usual, scraping the sky. Sunny and cold and perfect; I love these days.

My SIL was very right about the strength training. I could feel it today, my sore abs and tired calves, but I'm getting faster and stronger. And 10.3 in 2 1/2 hours makes me very optimistic that by the time May rolls around, I'll be doing my 13.1 in under 3, which is all I want to do. Although I'm going to have to start doing some of the long ones without the Runner...sad day... but she's not allowed on the race course, so I'll have to be used to going along without her.

The lesson of the day was being overprepared. My last mile and a half was brutal. I hadn't eaten enough real food beforehand to do 10 and the GU's and jelly beans helped, but I was wavering by the end. When I stopped at the last crosswalk I just about fell over; I'm positive that 3 of the drivers stopped thought I was rather intoxicated. But hey, I was still upright! Annnnd I'm not gonna lie, if need be I'll crawl across the damn finish line. My favorite runner's shirt says if found down, drag across finish line. Well, that and in my dreams, I'm a Kenyan. We're crazy, but it comes with a side of a wicked sense of humor.

For the three of you who are still reading, I hope you're enjoying my traverses as much as I am. So many people have told me that they find nothing so boring as running; I have to respect that and believe me, I'm not going to talk anyone else into taking on those challenges. It's something you have to come to yourself, much like everything else in life. And there's something for everyone, you know? I can't ever see myself rock climbing or surfing. But I have to have serious respect for those who do.

My goal for this year is 15-20 miles a week. First week out and I did 22. Yes!!!

Daily miles: 10.3
Total mileage for the week: 22.7

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